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2012 - present Danfield Audio 2009 - 2012 Danfield Audio specializes in hi-end analogue studio equipment. Being a small boutique company it's one of these places where you really get into every detail of all the products and gets challenged every day. While having a very varied product range for a small company is not the only challenge. We do a variety of custom solutions for our clients, so a day at Danfield could easily start with an email from a client saying, "I want a thingy that does this, that, that other thing and another weird thing, can you do that?". The reply always being "Yes" and then you start you day with a great brain-bender, doing stuff that really matters in our little part of the audio world. MOTO 2006 - present At MOTO I work as a freelance sound engineer, doing everything from large PA system setup and support ranging from large shows at festivals or stadiums to smaller venues, conferences, fashion shows etc. everything that needs quality sound systems delivered from professionals. We specialize in L'Acoustics systems and from here I have years of experience in handling all the products from the french manufacturer, from smaller ARCS systems to V-Dosc Line-Array. The Shaking Sensations The Shaking Sensations is a five piece post-rock euphoria, based in Copenhagen. With compositions lasting from the shorter 7 minute songs going to 20 minutes pieces where building suspense, tension and climaxing in loud and thrilling sections, with no vocals, really requires the listeners attention. Although now quite an experienced band, it is the last few years that really moved the band to where the attention is, the band has now visited most of central Europe and their album "East of Youth" is being recognized world wide for the back to the roots approach to the genre, which really set the standard of how this music is meant to be played. I recorded and mixed their first EP "This is Your Hellfire Religion" in Feedback Studios, Aarhus and did the front of house mix for both European Tours in 2011. |